13 Interesting Mobile App Ideas to Draw Inspiration in 2021

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How often have you come up with an app idea and dumped it just because you’re not sure whether it’s going to be a big hit or a flop? Well, if you don’t discuss your app idea with a mobile app development company that specializes in iOS and Android app development services , you would never know what magic your one small idea can do!

We are living in an era where mobile application development connects every little aspect of our lives. Therefore, building mobile apps is the best way to establish your business. If you’re looking to turn your business idea into reality, then mobile app development brings immense opportunities for you.

Why Should You Build Mobile Apps for Your Business?

Here are a few statistics that indicate the importance of mobile app development for businesses:

  • Over 65% of people are using mobile platforms to go online.
  • The Internet has achieved almost half of the global attention.
  • The mobile share of internet time has exceeded by 50%.
  • Mobile apps are predicted to generate $693 billion profit.

Hottest Mobile App technology Trends to Consider in 2021

  • BigData Analytics
  • Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
  • Internet of Things
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning

Building a successful mobile app requires you to spend adequate time on the market research work to come up with a unique idea. So, take your time and think of bringing your idea to life because it’s better late than never. Many leading industries are switching to mobile app development to grow their reach, business, and ultimately revenue. Take a look at some of the best mobile app ideas that can help you make more and more profits.

13 Best Mobile App Ideas to Consider in 2021

1. Food and Beverages

This is one of the greatest ways to kick start your business. The demand for the food and beverages industry is never-ending. If you’re a part of this industry, then investing in iOS or Android app development services can truly transform your food business and the way you’re serving your customers. With a mobile app, your customers can book their tables, give orders, or add customized tips. With all these facilities, they are more likely to pay visits to your restaurant frequently. Mobile apps are indeed a smart way to enhance your customer service and offer a comfortable dining experience to them.

2. Travel Planner

People always loving going on vacations, and for which they start planning their travel ahead of time to make it a memorable trip. So, you can build a Travel Planner app using Office 365 and Google MyAnalytics tools. These powerful tools add a whole new dimension to any conventional travel planner apps. This app can collect data on your users’ favorite travel destinations and recommend the most wanted vacations on a suitable date as per their preferences. Leveraging the Big Data analysis, the app will prepare your travel chart with the most suitable time and place.

3. Hire a Personal Chef App

No food can satisfy you like delicious homely food. For those who love cooking, an app that serves them with the food preparation and cooking will be their savior. So, here’s another hottest mobile app idea for you – Hire a Personal Chef App. The app will serve people who want to prepare delicious dishes at home. It will provide them with a list of verified home chefs who hold expertise in specific dishes. Users can choose one from the given list, rate them for their assistance, and create a list of their favorite chefs for various dishes. The Personal Chef applications will be ideal for city dwellers who are away from their homes. The app can be enriched with features like book a chef, location sharing to the user, and a direction map for the chef to locate the user’s location. This app will be a great fit for iOS users as they are more likely to be well-off and living in developed countries.

4. Medical Symptoms Tracker App

Many people are not aware of medical symptoms until they become evident or reach a critical stage. As it is rightly said, ‘It’s always better to be safe than sorry’, it is always good to start early treatments for rapid recovery in medication. Medical symptoms tracker applications help users to identify a potential symptom of a particular disease, give advice and quick remedies, or advise a specialized doctor for further treatment.

5. Real-time Language Translation App

Real-time voice or language translation app can be the best ally for individuals who are traveling abroad. This app can help an individual communicate easily with foreigners as it can translate your language into English or their native languages in real-time. This way it can help travelers to understand people of diverse cultures and enjoy a comfortable travel experience.

6. Home Control App

Did you ever imagine that you could control everything in your house remotely? IoT makes everything possible. Users can control their home appliances, lighting systems, and door security systems remotely with a mobile app. They can control and manage all systems in your home with just one click.

7. Matchmaking App

Everyone dreams of meeting their true soulmates. However, finding your perfect soulmate is not so easy. If you’re looking to meet your perfect life partner with similar interests and tastes through an application, well to your surprise, it’s possible!

A matchmaking app will suggest people with similar interests and likings to yours. The app can also match the level of compatibility and horoscopes to help you find your perfect soulmate.

Since the majority of the global population uses Android devices, you should start by investing in Android app development services as an Android app can help you reach a comparatively larger audience than iOS apps.

8. AR-based Interior Design App

If you’re planning to move to a new house or renovate your existing house but have no idea about interior design, then an AR-enabled interior design mobile app can be a good solution for you.

An Augment Reality-based Interior Design app can help users visualize the 3-D model of how their house will look after it is decorated with furniture and other designs. With features like color and furniture placement recommendations, this app can solve modern interior design problems.

9. The School Supplies Collection App

When the school year ends, all the students are left with old notebooks and tools which they either sell out or give to those who need them.

If there’s a solution to collect these old books and tools that other students can use, then students can easily exchange school supplies on a single platform. So, don’t you think you should build a mobile app for it?

You can build an organized mobile app to collect school supplies and provide them to students who need them. Wouldn’t it be a remarkable venture?

10. An App to Find Ideas for Investing

A brilliant idea needs the right support, nourishment, and resources to become a super-duper hit in the market. This amazing app idea can bring many unique ideas to life. In this app, a user can register, set up their profile, and share their ideas. You can set a minimum benchmark to provide greater visibility to the most deserving idea.

Collaborating with investors is crucial for bringing an idea to life. An organized user interface can help investors find brilliant ideas and provide the best support to turn them into reality. You can organize your user interface by classifying ideas based on the industry vertical. This is one of the areas that are unexplored, so you can think of creating a place where amazing ideas meet investors.

11. Color Blind Helper

There are a few people who suffer from color blindness but are shy to tell anyone about their problem. Why not build a solution for them? You can build a mobile application that will tell the color of furniture, clothing, or any other item that you click a picture of. It is a simple, yet helpful mobile app for people with color blindness.

12. Find My Parking Space App

You may have trouble finding an empty vehicle parking space, especially on weekends when public places are overcrowded with people. An app that helps people find a good parking space for their vehicles can be a great solution. With the help of GPS, camera, and parking information, this app can help users to find an empty parking spot in real-time without any hassle.

13. Pet Grooming App

Many people love their pets but don’t know much about grooming their pets. You can create a mobile app to help them nurture their pets. Whether it is feeding the pet, training it, or playing with it, the Pet Grooming app can take good care of your pet while you’re busy with your office work or household activities.

Final Thought

Don’t these mobile app ideas sound interesting? If yes, then what are you waiting for? Choose any of these mobile app ideas to make 2021 a great year or if you have a more awesome idea, you should consider reaching out to a professional mobile app development company to turn it into reality. However, you must consider the facts of the market and profit to choose the most demanding and productive app idea.

There’s no limit to your ideas. All you need is a little encouragement to act upon your idea and make your dream come true. So, consider this blog post as a source of encouragement to bring your awesome mobile app idea to life.

Author’s Bio

Sylvia is a Senior Android App Developer at Mobi India, a well-established mobile app development company in India offering iOS and Android app development services to global startups, SMBs, and enterprises. As a professional mobile app developer, Sylvia likes to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends in the mobile app development industry. She loves to share her knowledge base and experience through her writings to acquaint people with essential tips, trends, and development technologies to help them stay ahead in the competition.

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