Business News

An Ultimate Guide to Create Long-Form-Content for Business

By admin

January 12, 2021

In today’s digital era, getting visitors on your ecommerce platform is not a big deal. It is necessary to keep them engaged by providing attractive content. In this case, long form content lies on top of strategies that can transform guests into loyal consumers.

It is because, the more you engage a reader and satisfy their questions, the greater number of followers and audience you can gain. This type of content also owns higher chances of social media shares. Many people are still unknown to the term ‘long form content.’ if you are one such individual, follow our guide and find out.

What Do You Mean By Long Form Content?

Basically, long form content means to create detailed blogs of more than 1000 words. According to the latest Google policy, content above 2000 words is the perfect bet. Nevertheless, you must understand that the real golden number is not yet known.

The basic mantra behind creating worthy blogs is to write informative and high-quality content. When you write longer pieces of content rich in extra details, bullets, questions, and statistics, you fulfill basic SEO requirements. 

It means, you must learn how to create long form content and bring more readers on your blog. Try to engage more audience through your blogs now.

How Can You Structure Long Form Content?

Writing long form blogs is not about creating a 3000 words content and rank it on top of SERPs. There is much more that you need to form an SEO optimized content in this era. Long articles may also disappear on the 50th page of Google, if you fail to follow the right strategy.

Follow the Skyscraper Approach

The skyscraper approach is one popular way to create long form content that performs. Start by following the basic steps and wait for the results,

Be Specific about Your Topic

Understand that long form content highly depends on the topic you choose. If you choose a random 300 words blog and elongate it to 3000, you are only wasting time. It is necessary to prioritize the keywords you are using and focus on your audience.

Only write what your readers want and wait for the results. In case you are writing for shopaholics, creating longer blogs that can explain online coupon codes from their favorite brands may work. Make sure, if no one is searching for your topic, there is no chance you will get any readers.

The digital world offers a set of tools that you can use every day and find searchable topics. Take help from tools like BuzzSumo and Ahrefs for better results.

Create More and More Subheadings

An important approach while creating long form content is the maximum use of subheadings. Make sure you can divide your information in points, bullets, and paragraphs. It helps your readers to understand the flow of your blog and search for particular details.

People often scan an entire topic only to find certain facts and figures. If you succeed to add the right subheadings in your content, things can go well. Moreover, you must know how subheadings can influence Google featured Snippets. 

Introduce Relevant Media Where Possible

Give attention to relevant images, videos, and infographic when generating long form content. In today’s digital world, pictures matter more than words. You can always make your articles attractive by using pictures wherever possible.

However, you must keep in mind that the media you add in your blog is relevant. The pictures you add in your blog are meant to prove your point and attract the eye of your reader. Remember, the more authenticity your blog’s media can provide, the more chances of getting ranked.

Add Relevant Phrases and LSI Keywords

LSI keywords and phrases match your primary keywords and help search engines to identify your content. These often include questions of general interest. By adding the right LSI keywords, you may succeed to connect with a wider target audience and increase shares.

Most often, people take help from LSI Graph to understand the use of such keywords. Keep in mind, Google is fond of relevant, high quality and original content. So, make sure you do not stuff keywords while adding LSI phrases.

Long Form Content – Does It Work?

Undoubtedly, long form content works in a super perfect manner. If you can successfully engage your audience and provide necessary details, there are maximum chances to result positive.