Best Instagram Hacks to Help Landscape Photographers Take Jaw-dropping Photos

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There was a time when other social media platforms proved beneficial when it came to displaying your photography skills, but today, Instagram, the visually rich site is your best bet if you are into landscape photography. You need to have an Instagram profile to show your photography skills to the maximum number of people you can reach through this platform. Many landscape photographers feel skeptical when it comes to displaying their images or videos on Instagram. They believe the audience cannot possibly see the finer details of a photo on a smartphone screen. Then, you cannot ignore the fact that most people use smartphones, and therefore, you have a huge audience that you can connect with through Instagram visuals.

According to an article published in Huffington Post, you need to stay calm and do not think about what Instagrammers think about your images or what sort of visuals garner maximum likes. Take stunning landscape photos instead and likes will automatically follow. Here are some of the best Instagram tips and tricks to help you take awesome landscape photos:

Upload landscape photos consistently

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You need to post frequently on IG, especially when you are a beginner on this platform. The more quality photos or videos you post, the better it is for your career. Things are not so simple for landscape photographers because they need to spend much of their time editing the visuals and processing the IG posts. Again, you may not have so much time to edit images daily. That is why you need to have a plan in place for curating and uploading Instagram landscape photos. In case, you have too many landscape images to post, keep posting daily. You need to keep aside at least 30 minutes editing the images. If you do not get the time to edit and post images daily, share the visuals at least thrice every week.

Make the most out of the Instagram app wisely

Many misconceptions are surrounding Instagram algorithms, how to ensure maximum visibility and reach on this platform, and things like that. To be honest, there is no hard and fast rule to control the IG algorithm because it keeps changing.

What matters is using the Instagram app wisely and productively. It means that your IG profile should include content that the algorithm likes – an account liked by the Instagram community for engaging posts. Your landscape images should be stunning so that they’re not drowned amidst billions of photos uploaded daily, every minute, hour, and even second.

Using the app smartly means searching for stellar content and building engagement with the same. When you see a landscape image shared by another photographer, like the post and tell that photographer why you like the visuals so much in the comment section. The more insightful your comments arethe more are the chances of piquing audience interest. The photographer will go to your IG account and start viewing your landscape photographs. Engagement begets engagement. It is as simple as that. Besides, you can look for platforms such as Blastup that help you garner more Instagram likes and engagement like no other tool can.

Use relevant hashtags

If you are experienced in using Instagram, you know why hashtags matter so much. You share jaw-dropping landscape images on Instagram yet fail to garner the likes and comments that the visuals deserve. The simple reason is you are not using hashtags or not using the relevant ones. Your work is awesome but even after several your Instagram page is failing to gain traction.

When you are into landscape photography, you will like to use hashtags so that a niche audience notices your work. The greatest benefit of hashtags is that a maximum number of users looking for landscape visuals will find your content within the niche. This way, many eyeballs will view your work. You never know that some of the people following and liking your landscape images could become your potential clients. Hashtags not only help you garner likes and comments but also more followers provided you know the rules of the social media game.

You need to choose hashtags carefully. For example, if you pick something like #landscape, it has 100 million tagged photos. The use of such a popular hashtag will not prove effective to achieve visibility. Use hashtags that have 30k tagged images. It is one of the best ways to ensure visibility for your landscape images on Instagram.

Though Instagram lets you use 30 hashtags, but it is not a great idea to use all of them repeatedly. Use 15-20 hashtags and your posts will gain traction.

Upload landscape images at the right time

You have loads of landscape photos and feeling excited to upload them on IG right away. Then, hold on! It is essential to understand what is the time in other parts of the world when you are about to post your Instagram content. The time you start uploading your images has a considerable impact on whether your audiences view the content or not.

For instance, if you are hailing from Europe and start posting in the dead of night sans a follower base that is located in some other part of the planet, then it is probable that your content won’t be viewed that frequently. The reason is wrong timing. What you need to do is post your content in the morning or sometime around noon, or even during the evening when European Instagrammers are active on the platform. The same rule holds when your target audience is the US audience.

It is important to remember that your Instagram landscape images or videos will gain traction and garner likes with the first couple of hours after you post content. Therefore, it is not viewed by many people; the Instagram algorithm will not pick your images to show that in someone else’s IG feed. The moral of the story is to post Instagram content at the right time. Just try this tactic and you will see the results.


Now that you have these tips handy, use them to make your landscape photos gain more traction and visibility on Instagram. With more likes and comments, you gain engagement, followers, and even potential clients.

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