How New Sellers can Increase their Sales on Online Marketplaces such as Amazon and E-bay?

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People often are scared to take on selling at Amazon and E-bay. But as we all know now is the age of digitization therefore whether you feel comfortable selling offline or not, you must come online otherwise you will soon get crushed by the ongoing competition.

Amazon and E-bay are the world’s largest marketplaces and almost all sellers have listed their products on these two and why not? Both portals give incredible business opportunities to small, large, and aspiring sellers.

If you are a new seller who has already jumped into the vast ocean of these two online retail giants then here are some tips that can help you maximize sales.

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  1. Write engaging and Accurate content

Professional sellers know the impact of content on selling especially in marketplaces such as Amazon and E-bay. They write top-notch content about their products- Here product content is the title, description, and bullet points.

Expert sellers briefly describe their products, include relevant keywords in the right spot, and abstain from making any false claims.

So, the best way to drive sales to the product pages is to optimize the product information. This can be done by finding relevant keywords, writing accurate but attractive product copy, and mentioning the product benefits.

  1. Focus on images

While buying have you ever clicked on a product that has a blurry image or no image?

You will say “No”. Well, this is the reason behind saying product images are important. Amazon and E-bay enable sellers to add product images and why not? Both want to give users the best shopping experience.

So, while creating images make sure that they are of high quality, do not blur when Zoom and provide user view from every side and angle.

  1. Engage customers with product videos

Every buyer is different. While some get satisfied with the product information and images, some want to dig out more information. Moreover, several surveys claim that more than 67% of people buy a product after watching the product video. So, videos provide the best way to allure customers and surge sales.

But keep in mind the specific guidelines of both the platforms while uploading product videos. However, you will need the following things for both:

  • Thumbnail image

It is an image that represents your video.

  • Video title

It is the title of the video. You must keep it short and specific.

  • Summary

You have to describe what the user will watch in the video in the summary section.

  1. Consider the customer reviews

Customer reviews can make or break your product’s success. Most people purchase a product after reading product reviews. Therefore, while positive reviews can enhance your selling opportunities, negative reviews can seriously destroy your reputation and online sales. You can get negative reviews removed by interacting with the customer, apologizing for the inconvenience, offering refunds or replacement, and then politely requesting to either edit or remove the review.

  1. Retarget customers

When a customer purchases one of your products from Amazon or E-bay, they are your as well as their customer. So as a seller, you must use all the ways to encourage them for another purchase by:

  • Sending the coupons of the related products
  • Giving discount and offers on the next purchase
  • Giving positive feedback on their re-purchase
  1. Using competitive pricing

There is a high possibility that what you are selling on these platforms is already being sold by thousands of sellers. At that time, competitive pricing can really help you out.

We all know Amazon and E-bay both are known for providing products at affordable prices. So, while selling your products on these two marketplaces check out your competitors’ price and decide the price accordingly.

  1. Try Advertising

The best way to increase sales on these online marketplaces is to invest in advertising campaigns and promotions etc. Both Amazon and E-bay enable sellers to promote their brands onboard through Amazon advertising and E-bay advertising. They basically help sellers in:

  • Building brands
  • Target audience
  • Meeting qualified buyers
  1. Take the help of Social media

Millions of people are on social media and each one of them is further connected to thousands of people. Nowadays most of the E-commerce platforms are using social media for their product promotion. You can also take the help of these sites to reach a wide range of people.

At last, both Amazon and E-bay are great platforms for selling products. But to drive more sales on both platform one need to consider all the above points. In addition to this, the continuous evolution in E-commerce like the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in predicting information such as how many products will be sold in the next few months in a particular region has taken selling to a whole new level.

Author Bio:

Cage Nicolas is a content strategist working in Bitclu Inc, New York, a company that provides sophisticated product analytics tools to Amazon sellers. He has been in the content marketing the industry for more than three years and loves to write on technology and internet marketing.

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